As your marketing consultant I can help you create a coherent branding strategy throughout all marketing channels – both online & offline.
Online Marketing
Today online marketing is an essential part of any braning strategy. Online marketing ranges widely from SEO to Instagram posts, newsletters and much more. It’s not any channel, but the sum of relevant channels for you, that generates the best lead within your customer target group.
Read more about the different types of online marketing and how each of them can benefit you (comming soon).
Offline Marketing
Offline marketing has from time to time been underrated. Today online marketing is way cheaper and more measurable. However, offline marketing in form of e.g. flyers, business cards and magazines can accumulate a great value – especially in getting the attention of potential customers.
Read more about the different types of marketing and how they each benefit you (comming soon).
As a marketing consultant I wish to be transparent when it comes to my prices. I see myself more as a virtual assistant, who can help you to the right path which is why I have tried to make my prices as competitive as possible. If any of my pricing packages does not fit your exact needs or are not what you are looking for in a marketing consultant, we can always asseble one in collaboration. See packages and prices HERE.
Visual Identity & Branding Guidelines
The best fundament for a succesful branding strategy is, in my opinion, a strong visual identity, where guidelines for your chosen branding strategy will be followed. The reason why this is so important is that your brand and your visual identity is what your customers identify and remember you for.
If you use different colors, fonts and templates on different channels, possible customers will havbe trouble recognizing you. On the other hand: If your branding strategy is under control potential customers could identify you just by looking at e.g. a picture og a flyer without thinking about it more toroughly.
I have the last 2 years worked with the above mentioned. I have among other helped a franchise holder, as their marketing consultant, within a larger corporate differentiate themselves from the crowd. After implementing the changes as their marketing consultant, as well as making sure they were sticking to their new visual identity their sales doubled, they went from 500 to 10.000 followers on Instagram within a year and now Instagram is their main channel for lead generation.
Besides that, they have multiple times been asked which marketing consultant has been in charge of their new visual identity since several competitors’ potential customers tell them directly that they notice the markting I have created.
This is one of the reasons I have now started my own litlle marketing consultant bureau and I’m looking forward helping even more of you with your branding strategy.
Send me an e-mail on to hear more about how I can help you.
Get more inspiration to your visual idenity HERE.
Example on Branding Strategy & Visual Identity from my Marketing Consultant Bureau
You can here see my work as a marketing consultant and one of the branding guidelines I have made so far.
If you want to hear more about what I can do for you – contact me on
Digital Analyzes
Somethign I, as a marketing consultant, spend an enormous amount of time on since I can see how much it’s working, is digital analyzes.
The use of digital analyzes has an extreme value in finding out which target group you realy appeal to, how you are ranking on Google, how you can improve your SEO, in order for potential customers to find you and how you optimize your wordpress website in order for it to be more userfriendly (seen with the eyes of Google).
I have assembled a case from my marketing consultant bureau where I show, more specifically how digital analyzes can improve your website, your branding strategy and thereby your opportunity to generate more customers.
Read the whole case HERE (coming soon).